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IPFS rate limits

API keys on Infura are subject to rate limits once they exceed a certain number of requests within a short time window. These rate limits are in place to prevent abuse, ensure fair usage, and maintain the reliability of our services.


Current rate limits may change without notice.

Authenticated requests associated with a particular project have more flexible rate limits and can make more requests per second.

Authenticated API requests

Write API calls have a 150 requests per second limit for the following endpoints:

  • /api/v0/add
  • /api/v0/block/put
  • /api/v0/dag/put
  • /api/v0/pin/add

You can retrieve IPFS data using the API with a limit of 1500 requests per second for the remaining read-only methods such as:

  • /api/v0/cat
  • /api/v0/get
  • /api/v0/dag

Read-only requests from a dedicated gateway have a limit of 100 requests per second.

If you would like a custom rate limit for requests per second, contact us.