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Troubleshoot account issues

Suspicious activity detected during registration

If you receive a "Suspicious activity detected" message during registration, it might be for of one of the following reasons:

  • You have another account: Infura does not allow users to create multiple accounts, so if you have already registered, you will not be able to create another account with the same information.
  • You have an ad blocker running: Our system requires users to turn off their ad blockers during registration to allow us to perform the necessary checks required for registration. Disable your ad blocker and try again.
  • You're using a VPN: Try turning it off temporarily during registration.

Over API key allotment error

This error means that you have reached the maximum number of allowed API Keys in your Infura account.

The Infura Core tier allows you to create up to three API Keys. If you'd like to create more API Keys, consider upgrading to a paid tier, which allows you to create ten API keys.

Lost access to your 2FA device

If you've lost access to your two-factor authentication (2FA) device, you can recover access to your account using the backup code provided back when you initially set up 2FA on your Infura account.

For more information, see the 2FA documentation.